Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Sleep. . . must get sleep. . . Really. I'm not even in the least bit joking. I sit here at my computer while my youngest one (the main reason for the sleeplessness) cries in her crib and my older two play with their TAG readers. She cries in her crib because I can't deal with her right now and I only sit here at my computer because I am sick of tagging garage sale stuff and I don't have enough energy to do anything else. I have not gotten more than 3 hours of sleep at a time in over 6 weeks. . . do I have a newborn or a 7-month-old? I don't think she even slept this bad when she was a newborn. And what makes it even worse is the fact that I know she CAN sleep through the night because she did it for 2 weeks. Is there a way to get her to go back? Can I teach her how to sleep?
I also sit here at my computer because I am a bit sore. I started my 2nd session of Boot Camp yesterday at the Y. I must say, day 1 of session 2 was not near as bad as day 1 of session 1, but I am still sore nontheless. Why do we do this to ourselves? Is it really that important?
Anyway, I have ranted enough and let my baby girl cry long enough that I must go get her and try and convince her that sleep really is a good thing and she needs to try it out.