Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Summer So Far

Holy Buckets!  It is almost the end of June already?  Wait!!  I haven't don't 1/2 of the stuff I wanted to do this summer yet.  How does it go so fast?

Here is a photo blast of a few of the things we have enjoyed so far:

We went fishing! (didn't catch anything)

Miss Thumb Sucker decided rocks were more fun than fishing

A friend had a birthday party and we got to tour the fire station!

My sis and nephew came for a visit!

The Shed is Finished

I got to spoil my neice!

A fun day with all the cousins - here are my youngest neice and nephew

A fun BBQ with friends

Here are more of the kiddos at the BBQ

VBS!!  (sorry for the bad pic this is the only one I got)