Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Loathing Laundry

Is there anything worse than laundry? I suppose whichever housewife you were to ask, she would have her specific household duty that she loathes to do. Mine is laundry. It is never ending and the entire process takes entirely way too long. Yes, I realize that if I had one of those awesome new washers and dryers that do your laundry in 20 minutes I would be singing a different tune. But, we are on the "Dave Plan" and a set of those just are not in our budget. I first need a new pick-up for my husband and a treadmill . . . but I digress. I have realized that if I just fold it and refuse to put it back in a laundry basket after it is folded it gets put away much more quickly. If I do, however, fold (lol, sorry I am terrible with the cheesy jokes) and put it in a basket, it seems to stay in the basket until I need the basket to haul another load of laundry out of the dryer. Laundry baskets just seem to be my rival. If I put unfolded clothes in, they seem to sit in my laundry room unfolded until I get tired of tripping over them. And believe me, when it comes to laundry it takes me a little while to get sick enough of it to fold it. If I put folded clothes in, well, I already covered the time it takes for those to get put away. Long story short, I avoid laundry at whatever costs I can. Anyone want to come help with the 4 loads I am trying to tackle today on top of baking cookies, drying apples, making applesauce, cleaning my bathrooms and killing time on the computer cuz I really don't want to get back to work? OK, I better get back to work, another batch of cookies is beeping at me.



From one housewife to another. . . I absolutely despise laundry also! It is never ending! My kids prefer to be naked and it still keeps piling up. I don't mind the actual doing the laundry part up until putting it away! My nicely folded piles get stored on the top of the couch until Gabe gets tired of looking at them and he puts them away. I DO NOT like putting it away!! I keep teasing Gabe that we need someone to come and just do the laundry. . . but that would be a FULL time job!