Friday, March 25, 2011

More Book Blogging

After receiving my last book from Waterbrook/Multnomah for free for my blogging for books, I have decided I need to stick to easy fiction or children's books.  I just don't have/make the time to read unless it is my Bible, to my kids, or an easy, get-lost-in-the-story type of fiction book. It took me almost a month to get through this one.

My most recent book was "Living in Love" by James and Betty Robinson.  It was a great read with many good snippets of information and written very well.  However, the dialogue format bothered me some.  I'm not sure why, exactly, but I found it to make the book a bit choppy and I would have to stop and check back at the beginning of the chapter or section to see who was 'talking'.  Like I said, I like a book I can just breeze through without much thought.  Even so, this book did have some great ideals and ideas for your marriage.  I wish I could get my husband to be more of a reader as well, as it would be a great book to read together since it has both writing from the husband and wife with questions to consider at the end of each chapter. 

The 4 parts really covered many issues in marriages and were very true to real life.  Beginnings, Commitment, Communication, and Challenges, covered everything from trust and baggage issues to parenting and sex.  It was a great, but not 'easy-breezy' read.  One I would recommend with about 1 1/2 thumbs up.  Let me read it again in about 5 years when I don't have 3 kids under the age of 5 and I might give you 2 whole-hearted thumbs up.  It was just hard to find the time to really dive in and get committed to the book.

I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review