Monday, April 12, 2010

Woooo Hoooo!!!!!!!!!!!

This is me cheering for 2 big steps in our household this weekend and praying for no returns! The hubby thought I was nuts and dooming myself to a very sleepless night when I decided to take 2 drastic steps after a long day at G'ma and G'pa's playing with cousins. But I dove in any way and took the risk. I put Miss Firecracker to bed in big girl undies and Miss Thumb Sucker to bed in her own room.
Miss Firecracker has been potty trained since mid-January, but still had the occasional wet diaper in the mornings so we played it safe and left diapers on her at night. She had woken up dry for 2 straight weeks so I took the plunge, hoping not to have to plunge into soaked sheets at 2 a.m. Thankfully, it was a success and we have survived 2 dry nights!!!
Miss Thumb Sucker has been in the Pack n Play in our room (OK so we might have spoiled her a tad and let her sleep in the swing for the first 3 months, but you do what you gotta do to get any semblance of sleep) since we brought her home. It is just easier this way on a sleepless nursing mama. But at a little over 5 months old I figured I better move her out and my sleeping habits while nursing her in bed were no longer helping the sleep amounts. She would wake up and I would bring her to bed to feed her, settle into my upright pillow and boppy holding her and fall back asleep while she ate, Then, an hour or more later one of us would wake up and I would switch sides for nursing her and promptly fall back asleep. Again, an hour or so later wake up to lay her back down only to have to wake up in an hour or two to start the whole process over or go to the Y. Not very sleep conducive. So, I decided to move her out of the room so that I would have to get up and feed her in the rocking chair in her room (all in one shot) then go back to bed. Well, it was a swell idea cuz the first night she slept from 9:45 to 5:40 and the next from 9:50 to 7 am!!! And the hallelujah chorus rang through our home instantaneously (OK maybe just in my head)! Of course the first night I woke up at 4 am and had to go check and make she was still breathing and did the same thing last night at 5.
Both accomplishments have been glorious!!