Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Oh So Thankful Photo Project Day #19

I'm a day behind on this one...

Since it was my birthday on day #19, I am going to step out on a limb in the chance of sounding prideful/selfish and be thankful for me (it took a lot of inner-debating to post a picture of just me rather than one with my kids or someone else).  More so, thankful for the woman God created me to be.  It has taken me many years of trying to fit a mold of what people wanted me to be to discover that making others happy would never make Him happy.  God created me just as He wanted me to be and that is who I need to be.  So, I may be loud and talkative and crazy and unorganized and spontaneous and pushy but I try to use those traits to serve Him to the best of my ability.